Saturday, March 03, 2007

Potty Marathon

We found out last week that Zander will not be able to go to the state of the art top research and lab school starting this summer unless he is potty trained. I normally would not be worried about that, but the school that he is in right now, does not have a bathroom in the class room. He has actually regressed in his training. I know that pushing training can literally causes holes in brain development and have not made it a top priority, but this changes everything!!! For those of you that do not know, our first daycare lost Zander and has been charged with Child Neglect. He is no longer there. The new daycare is OK, they haven't lost him yet, but he is not learning anything. He is almost 3 and has been put in a class of children that starts at about 20 months. The other children only say about 2 words at a time. It is very important to me that he is in a good school. So Zander choose Go Diego Go, Elmo and Spider man underwear and he has worn them all day. All day is to Mickey's for breakfast, to Walmart for grocery shopping and home for nap. No, I did not put a pull-up on at nap. As long as Mom remembers to send him, he will pee -pee in the potty; however stinky is a whole other story. He has never done a stinky in the potty. I am anxious to see how the rest of the day goes. Any advice would be appreciated. Let the games begin!!