Friday, May 18, 2007

Mother's Day

PaPa and Zander

Zach and Brady

Marty , Riley and Rosie

I know Mother's Day was last Sunday and I am a little behind. That seems to be par for the course these days. My Mother's Day was great. This was really the first one that Zander made me feel special. My morning started with me getting to lay in bed with no one else there for an hour and a half. Summers brought me breakfast and I just layed there and watched TV. That was something that I haven't done in a long time.

Then we went to Granny's for lunch. Mom picked up food from the Seafood Shack so no one had to cook. It was very good! Plus there were only a few dishes to wash. We went to the park for a while to let Zander play. He had a wonderful time. He still loves to be pushed in the toddler swing. He would stay in it the whole time if you would let him.

Next, we went back to Granny's. Steve, Tracy and Zachary came. PeeWee and Marty were also there. The Brady Bunch came over also. We had hamburgers and hotdogs and all of the kids got to play.

When it was time to go, Mom reminded me that I had not even told her Happy Mother's Day! How terrible! The day was so busy that I forgot the whole meaning of the day.

I am so glad that I got to be a mom. I cherish every second that I get to spend with Zander.

Happy Mother's Day to you all.
P.S. Thanks to Alana for the Pictures

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Girl Friend

Zander and Madi

Zander and Madi
This is Zander and Madi. She is the first child that Zander formed a relationship with at the YMCA school. He informed me this morning that Madi is his girlfriend. She is a little doll. She has the most beautiful green eyes and talks a mile a minute just like Zander. They are the only ones in the class that speak in sentences and I think that is why they like each other.
This is Zanders last day as a two year old. We will be celebrating his birthday on Friday and Saturday. I will post pictures on Monday.
On a different subject, Zander asked me yesterday if deer have allergies. He wanted to know specifically if Bambi has allergies and what does a deer cough sound like. Well, I don't know? I have never thought about that. I guess I will have to ask someone that knows about deer.
Have a wonderful day!
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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Grandparents house

Look at the focus! Can you tell that CiCi has a new camera. Mom and Dad were nice enough to pick up Zander last week while Summers and I worked late. He had a ball as you can see. He is such a creature of habit though. Dad says when they go outside, he has to have his bat, all of his softballs, a basketball and a golf club. He also still thinks that he has to cook in CiCi's kitchen.
On this particular evening, they pickied him up and I think he was going to be there for about 1 1/2 hrs. He needed to do all of that plus eat dinner and have a bath. Somehow CiCi pulled it off. Summers says that he was a little upset and whiney before bedtime because he didn't get to do everything. Maybe next time!