Saturday, March 10, 2007

You have got to be kidding me!!!

Last Saturday was our first day to try big boy underwear and of course it is my day to do everything else! Daddy was at work so we decided that we would start out by going to breakfast. We gathered everything that we might need (extra clothes, etc.) and started for the car. It was then that I got that feeling. You know the one, where instantly you know something is wrong. As we got closer to the car I realized what it was. I didn't have my keys. There sat my pocket book and my cell phone in the locked car. The phone wouldn't have done any good as it was not charged. That was on my list to take care of right after breakfast, buy a new charger. It was really cold outside and I went back to sit on the porch and think. I couldn't pick the lock because all of my credit cards were in the car. All of the neighbors looked to be gone except the one across the street with a small baby. I didn't want to knock on the door unless I had to. We checked the backdoor, it was locked too. So, I started checking all of the windows. Luckily the office window was unlocked. I put Zander in the window and realized, he can't open the door, it has a child proof door knob cover on it. And to make matters worse, he is now in my office destroying everything in his path as I realize I can't climb in the window. I finally decided to get his 4 wheeler out of the backyard and stand on it. OF course when I am half way in, it rolls out from under me and I almost fall back out of the window. Finally we are in and get my keys. What a way to start the day. However, we did great with our big boy underwear. No accidents!

1 comment:

  1. I think that is better than my getting locked out with a car full of groceries. I didn't get stuck in a window at least :) WTG Zander. What a big boy you are.

