Monday, April 16, 2007

Monday Morning

It is Monday morning, but it feels like Monday morning. Zander was up most of the night with his first stuffy nose. Of course, Daddy slept right through all of his thrasing around. I don't know how many times he kicked me in the head or pulled my hair last night. But, just as I thought the day couldn't get any worse, we head outside to get in the car and see a big mess and neighbors outside. Apparently, a drunk driver came very close to hitting our house last night. Not just our house, the very spot where we were all sleeping. The car went down the full length of the yard, hit our 3 ft. culvert, crossed the road, flattened the stop sign and continued to make a huge mess of the neighbors yard. I found the car down the street. I expected it to be more torn up than it was. They had taken the license plate off before they left the scene. It was obvious that they had been off the road several more times before coming to a stop.
So, things could have been much worse this morning and I am very glad to be at work and be alive this morning. Although, I am still sleepy.
Have a great Monday!

1 comment:

  1. So glad everyone is OK! What a crazy experience. I hope Zander is feeling better.
