Thursday, December 04, 2008

Chin up bar


Summers and I don't agree on alot of things when it comes to the house and yard. For example, he needs a chin up bar cemented in the yard. As you can imagine I was not too crazy about the idea and we argued for several weeks about where it would go. He decided that it would go over Zander's sandbox. Zander's bar is only put up when one of us is out there to watch him before anyone thinks about the safety issues as I have. He did have alot of fun and it is good for exercise. How long do you think it will take Wanda to figure out he is going to come down?
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  1. Looks like Zander is having fun...looks like Wanda "is going potty" in the sandbox??

  2. Cici, you summed it up well. I had the exact same thoughts

  3. No, she is just sitting there patiently waiting to get kicked in the head again.
