Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lost Tooth

Several weeks ago I had to work at the front desk at work. This is not my job and I am not used to having to deal with the phones and customers etc. I had 2 people waiting for services, the phone was ringing and a lady needed help with the laminating machine. During all of this my cell phone rings. Normally I just get the message later but the number was home and I knew that Esirae and Zander were home alone so I answered. The voice on the other end was Zander which was strange because number 1 he has absolutely no interest in the phone and number 2 he has never successfully looked at a phone number and been able to dial it. He said " Mom, I dialed the number all by myself!" I told him that I was proud of him but I was very busy at work. Then he started yelling, "Mom, my teeth are falling out of my head!" I told him that I found that very interesting since none of his teeth were lose before I left for work that morning and told him to put his sister on the phone. Esirae said that she had gone to take a shower and told him that she was in the bathroom if he needed her. He came in crying telling her that his tooth was falling out of his head and it was bleeding. He was panicking. She looked at it and he had snuck a piece of candy and bit on it and it made the tooth loose. Now when I say loose, I mean barely loose but in his mind they were all coming out.
He had absolutely no interest in messing with it for weeks but apparently some of the kids in his class lost some teeth this past week so he started wiggling his. Two days ago, Summers tried to pull it, but it hurt and started bleeding so we stopped. I wanted him to be able to pull it himself. Today when I got home, this is the cute smile that I found. It came out while eating his snack at school.
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1 comment:

  1. Be ready when that next tooth pops out. You will love this FREE Tooth Fairy keepsake:
