Thursday, March 29, 2007

No more pull-ups!

This is a picture of Zander at Halloween with his favorite chef, Mr. Tony. He dressed as Mr. Tony from Arigatos for Halloween this year. What has that got to do with potty training you ask. Just keep reading. I took home all of the pull-ups from school yesterday. Zander has done great with potty training. We struggled there for a few days trying to get him to understand that you shouldn't hold the stinky in because you don't want to get your big boy underwear dirty. I tried everything that I could think of to bribe him with. All of the usuals, m&m's, suckers, TV, etc. Nothing seems to work, until I remember his favorite thing - Japanese cooking. I simply told him that if he put the stinky in the potty he could go to the dollar store and pick out any spatula that he wanted. Well, that was it. We now have 4 new spatulas and a new bowl. We have been really lucky, there have not been any accidents! I am very proud of his new accomplishments. Next week we tackle the pacifiers!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Zander! What a big boy you are!
